Precalculus 60 Hour Summer Course

Please see description for dates
9th - 
Precalculus 60 Hour Summer Course

Precalculus 60 Hour Summer Course 
Dates: June 10 – June 28, 2024
Time: 8am – 12:30pm
Faculty:  Mr. Anthony Lamanna
Location: Keefe Academic Building
Prerequisites: Algebra 2.   SJP students need a recommendation from their current math teacher.
Tuition: $1300

Course Description:

The course includes the study of polynomial functions, rational function, exponential and logarithmic functions, transformations, trigonometric functions, advanced algebra, and complex numbers.  This course is non-leveled and is recommended for accelerated and honors students.


  • Graphing and analyzing all types of functions
  • Solving all types of equations, including polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric
  • Application of exponential and logarithmic functions
  • Trigonometry, graphing, identities, and evaluating
  • Sequences and Series
  • Matrices

Students will receive a grade, however, no credits will be assigned.  For students who do not attend St. John’s, a letter will be mailed to their school showing the attendance record and final exam grade. Students are required to have a graphing calculator.

Class meets on the following dates: 

Week 1: Monday June 10 – Friday June 14; 8am – 12:30pm
Week 2: Monday June 17, Tuesday June 18, Thursday June 20, Friday June 21; 8am – 12:30pm
Week 3: Monday June 24 – Thursday June 27; 8am – 12:30pm
Final Exam: Friday June 28; 8 – 10am 

Please click here to view our Summer 2024 Policies, including deposit and refund information.

All Summer at St. John’s  programs are subject to change and every effort will be made to provide advance notice of such changes.  Programs are contingent upon meeting minimum enrollment numbers, and programs that do not do so may be canceled at short notice.

At A Glance


Program Dates

Please see description for dates