Camp Store
Camp store is a camper favorite!
Campers visit the camp store to purchase a memento, get a cold drink or a snack, or just to browse. All campers visit the camp store at least once a week, except the Chipmunks or the Lower Camp.

What can my child purchase at the camp store?
We do not purchase items with nuts in them.
Items vary by availability, but will likely include:
- Cold beverages (water, gatorade, etc) $2
- Whole fruit $1
- Candy (skittles, kit kat) $2
- Snack foods (goldfish, chips) $2
- Camp Jibbitz $5
- Camp Tees $15
- White camp tees for tie dye $15
- Camp water bottle $20
- Camp Stickers $3
- and more!

Did you know that you can check your camper's balance, add money, or even see their purchasing activity?
Just log into your CampBrain account and check out the CampStore Wallet section!

Want to order something to be ready for your camper to pick up the next time they come to the store?
You can order souvenir items in advance through out online ordering portal- give it a try today!